You Are My Sunshine - EASY Ukulele Chord & Lyric Chart
Hi there!
Here's the chord and lyric chart for You Are My Sunshine in the key of C. This song is perfect for beginners! You can find the video tutorial for this song at:
To download this chord chart for free: enter 0, then click “I Want This!” and enter your email address to download. If you have the means and would like to support me and Ukulele Wine Time, please consider a suggested donation of $3-$5. Thank you! :)
Ukulele Wine Time offers beginner ukulele tutorials from an experienced music teacher with a Masters degree in music (that’s me!) in a fun & cozy low-pressure setting. I choose to play and teach the ukulele to stay positive, reduce anxiety and connect with others around the world.
Cheers! Kathryn
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Come say hi! @ukulelewinetime
Explore more chord charts:
You'll get a PDF download of You Are My Sunshine. This is a chord and lyric chart for You Are My Sunshine in the key of C. It also includes a chord chart with slash notation. Cheers!